This Church of Ireland School is a community where all pupils are equally valued and respected, irrespective of gender, social background, family circumstances, educational achievement, physical characteristics or intellectual ability.
Pupils experience a sense of caring and belonging and they are treated fairly. Their spiritual, moral, religious development is encouraged as is their intellectual, academic and social development.
This is a school community where moral values such as honesty, truthfulness, justice, fairness, sensitivity to others and civic responsibility are nurtured.
This Church of Ireland School is part of the local Church community and should have strong links with the parish. Pupils are to be encouraged to participate in church events and services and the Rector visits the school on a regular basis.
There is tolerance and respect within the school community for religious differences. However, it is important to realise that this is not a non-denominational school, nor is it a multi-denominational one.
Moral issues which arise are influenced by the traditions and teaching of the Church of Ireland and this school nurtures freedom of thought and a personal relationship with God.
If you would like to see the school for yourself, or have any questions you would like answered before you ask for your child to be enrolled at the school, then please contact the Principal, Ian Haseldine, who will be pleased to talk with you.